Sunday 30 March 2014

Sugar Shack and no sailing...

Wow what a day we had today.
We went to a sugar shack and had pancakes with lots of maple syrup. So I'm good for the year for sweets now! I don't eat many sweet things. We hardly even use any sugar at home. If we do it's in our baking or deserts that my wife Heidi will have made. Even then she mostly uses honey. I'm a black coffee kind of guy.
We went today with friends we haven't seen for 4 years! They were in Maun Botswana working with NGO's teaching AIDS awareness. (The country's official position on AIDS is... It's not in the country!) They were away for all of Jasmines cancer treatments. The just remember her as a happy 2 year old. It's funny her cancer didn't even come up in conversation today! That's good. There's no sense dwelling on the past. We just have to keep growing and take what we learnt form the experience. We learnt allot about life. Especially how short it is.
that is the reason I started our charter company. Finding Peace Sail Charters.
I did a quick video today it should be linked here.
I've got to get working on the Dagger board project so I have a few extras when the boats are on charter.
Tomorrow I am preparing the board itself to make a female mold. Then I'll make the mold this week.
The website is coming along. Yesterday I added a PayPal button.
I can't wait for winter to be over. I think we are at then end now though. The forecast is for a whole week of + daytime temperatures! I've had enough snow.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Rabbit Fondu

Fondu a la chocolate bunny. This to some is heaven. Others, not so much. Enjoy.

Friday 29 March 2013

It's about time!

Time to find the peace you have been missing. We all have worked too hard, played to hard or just been hard knocked. All the while missing something within our lives. Peace.
Isn't it time for your piece? Here is some help. Just pick a direction and go. Come back and tell how it went or take another path. There are many paths to peace.
Please find yours.